Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 2nd, Monday

I actually switched it up today and ran at Lake Murray today!  There was some cloud cover that lasted a little while so an inland run was ok at 9:30 am!  I ran 7.00 miles in 59:06, a ridiculous 8:27 pace/ mile!  Still not sure why but I just can't run slowly at the lake!  Felt pretty good compared to the last few days... hope it continues!

Another new milestone today was running the equivalent of going from San Diego to Seattle, WA.  I could be throwing fish at Pike's right now or taking in a Mariners game!!!!

Quote for the day:  "A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done!"  ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower 

Total miles:  1065.22  Pace Runner:  1011.50  +  53.72 miles!!!  A new record cushion!  

Love you Mom & Pops!  <3


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