Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5th, Superbowl Sunday

Today went well, 6.72 miles in 64 minutes & 22 seconds around Lake Murray.  I even got to see my old friend Vince from Uni who was coaching his daughter's softball team at the fields.  Go Navajo Bobbysox!

I also went to Road Runner Sports to get some shoes, socks, gu, etc.  Great place to go if you ever need running shoes or gear off Convoy south of the 52.

Well, Eli won again but I am at least happy for Justin Tuck!  We just watched many people who are considered heroes play a game.  Today, I want you all to read about a TRUE HERO!  Someone who has done things that most of us would not have the courage, persistence, or fortitude to do, day in and day out when life is at its most difficult!  Derek Thomas is one of my heroes and makes my running seem easy to do in comparison to what he has faced and continues to face everyday!  Keep up the great work D-Rock!  I can only hope to inspire a fraction of the people that you have! MUST READ!!!!!

Love you Mom & Dad!


  1. Tom,

    Tim sent me the link to your blog! I always admire people who take on a challenge and stick to it. I know you will make the 2012 miles even if you have to run a marathon or two near the end of the year. Good luck.


    1. Thanks Deana! It won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is! Aside from raising money for these charities that are near and dear to my heart, I want to show people that regular everyday people can do whatever they set their minds to do. You just need the dream, some persistence, & some great people around you! I appreciate the support!
