Monday, February 20, 2012

February 19th, Sunday

Today I decided to do a long run to make sure I could finish the SD 1/2 with my ribs.  I knew my batteries were going on my Garmin but I left my charged ones at school so I hoped that the 2 bars would hold out.  The last time I looked at it when it was still working was 11.4 miles.  I'm guessing it was over 13 but I can't be sure as I ran out of juice! :(  I will not be counting this run yet.  I plan on taking my bike on the same route on my next day off to get the official mileage and then I will add it to my total.  Not sure what I will do with the time but might just use the average for my longest run as it will be very close.

A bummer but not the end of the world.  At least I know I can handle the ribs on a long run. :)  I forgot to do my video but I'm sure that is good news for some of you! ;)  Maybe tomorrow... 

For my President's quote today, I will be going to JFK.  This quote is very appropriate for this endeavor that I am on and it is something I think about daily!

"Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly"

With a lot of ice & stretching, I am keeping it together but I would love to hear from you all with some words of encouragement.  It will help me out tremendously!  Share, encourage, donate!

Love you Mom & Dad! <3 

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