Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 4, Wednesday

Today was the last day of school before we have our Easter break.  A very long short week due to having to get my Ambassadors selected for next year which is, by far, the most difficult job I have all year!  I would say 98% of the students who apply are great kids and I have to cut 1/2 - 2/3 of them every year.  Brutal is the only word I have for it.

Today I did the east/west combo run on the 56 for 8.6 miles in 83 minutes & 56 seconds in my 6th straight running day.  A little slow on the pace but that is fine with me.

Today, I'm going to take you back to 1982 and a song that is on my run mix for obvious reasons.

Going to Vegas to see my folks for Easter as I think I said last time so will try to check in from there.  Hope you all have a great Easter with your families.  I know I will enjoy every minute I get to spend with my parents, nieces & nephews, & my brother Brian & Jetsy, his wife, too!

Love you Mom & Dad!  <3

Total miles: 554.87      Pace runner: 522.23   +32.64 miles (biggest lead to date)

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