Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11, Wednesday

Stomach still rough this AM but improving.  Couldn't eat much which kind of made for a rough run this afternoon.  I made it to mile 4 OK but then I ran out of gas.  Made it 6.43 miles in 58 minutes & 29 seconds @ Lake Murray. 

I made a much needed trip to the chiropractor today and does my back feel better!  If you are looking for a good one, go see the gals down at Murphy/Frazier Chiropractic.

I also picked up my Padre tickets.  If you want some great seats (5th row behind the Pads dugout), a Dons alum has them for sale.  Just let me know & I'll get you connected with him.

I am tired and need a good night's sleep to recover from the rough night I had.   Hope all is well with you and yours.  Please SHARE! COMMENT! DONATE!  especially comment!  I need your support!!!

Total Miles:  584.48  Pace Runner:  560.72   + 23.76

Love you Mom & Dad! <3



  1. Tom,

    GREAT work over the break! :o)

    Here's another quote that I found for you:
    “Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.”

    Is there a day this next week that I can run with you after school? Let me know.

    You are doing GREAT!

    1. Thanks Dawn! Just let me know how far you want to go and I can figure out a good day but I'm pretty flexible. I'm planning to take Friday off for a chiro appointment, so any other day should be good. I'll talk to you Monday!

      Take care,

