Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 2, Monday

Crazy times at school trying to get things together after our lost day on Friday.  Please keep Courtney and her family in your thoughts and prayers!

I also apologize for the April Fools joke yesterday.  Some people thought I was hurt and I am sorry for that but if you scrolled down, you would have seen Sponge Bob!

Now, down to business, I ran 7.6 miles on the west 56 route and it was a pretty good run, no issues just quite a few bikes out & sometimes they can buzz pretty close to you!  Took about 73 minutes.  Looking forward to seeing my folks for Easter but have a couple days of school and Ambassador decisions to make as well.

I did have time to do my monthly totals:

Jan: 168.64 miles
Feb: 172.4 miles
March: 183.44 miles!

Time to get to work!  Thanks for all of your support!  Keep the comments & encouragement coming!


Total miles:  539.19  Pace Runner:  511.25  +27.94 miles!

Love you Mom & Dad!  <3 

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