Had a fun day in the jury lounge but I did not get called to go to a courtroom so no deliberation room for me! Interesting video I found from the Designing Women show that could be titled "One Angry Woman" Enjoy...
I ran after I got home from my day downtown around Lake Murray. As usual, I ran way too fast, 6.57 miles in 57 minutes & 19 seconds. I must have had a rough lunch as my stomach is not feeling great. Still made it over to see my friend John Philpott & Steve Castagnola for a bit.
My left knee is getting stiff when I sit too long but usually gets warm when I run and doesn't bug me then which is good. I'll just keep icing and moving forward!
I also watched a bad documentary on the Mayan 2012 prophecy. The only thing good I got out of it is that instead of being "the end", it might mark a complete transformation & the beginning of a new historical cycle. Who knows, Dec. 21st will most-likely be just one more day on the calendar... and with any luck, I will be finished with my running by then!!!!!
Total Miles: 578.05 Pace Runner: 555.22 + 22.83
Love you Mom & Dad! <3
Have a great day! SHARE! COMMENT! DONATE! I can't remember the last comment I got, if you haven't left me a note, please do so as I need all the encouragement I can get!
Thank you!
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