Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May 26th, Saturday

What a beautiful morning for a run in wine country!  We stayed in a house called "The Perch" in Geyserville, CA just north of Santa Rosa in the Alexander Valley.  It was perched over a little valley full of vineyards and it was a beautiful view.

I ran 13.48 miles today in 2:08, so I could take the next 2 days off to enjoy the time with my friends and a little vino too!  Great to catch up with old friends and just relax.  I did get a great tour of the little town but some how missed the geyser!!!  The worst part of my run was coming back up the hill at the end but I made it and thus have still "run" every last bit of my currently, 855.78 miles I have run!

Here are a few pics of the house for all you architect fans out there!

  These 3 are the front of the house going left to right and then I will show you the view from the back from a wider angle, and then the back of the house from the pool.

The other great part of the trip in my eyes was all the wildlife we got to see.  My buddy Martin saw a rattlesnake, someone else saw a fox, there were cute gray squirrels running through the trees, and lots of turkey vultures scouting for meals:

Also snuck in a trip to the Bear Republic brewery on the way to the Oakland airport in Healdsburg, CA.  I'll have to add that picture later as it is on my phone and need to get those on my computer.

That's all for now.  Total Miles:  855.78  Pace Runner:  808.10  +  47.68 miles!

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