Wow, what a day! I wasn't feeling great and I didn't get in to see my wonderful Chiropractor on Friday but somehow, I managed to get a PR this morning in the half marathon at 1:52:44. My previous best was 1:56:22 at the Carlsbad Half in 2010. I guess all this running has paid off to some extent, huh?
I will bore you with some stats a little later on. It was a perfect morning weather wise, so that definitely helped as I do not do well in heat when it comes to running. I did like how they staggered the start, each corral was started individually about a minute or 2 apart. On my route, I passed up a Chinese dragon carried by the West Coast Roadrunners (10 of them) and of course a few mandatory Elvi (that is the plural for Elvis, isn't it???) Later found out Chrissie Wellington ran in Elvis costume, wish I had known!
Needless to say, I am very happy with my results and both of our CCHS XC runners had a good debut to the half as well. Here are my stats, so if you aren't a numbers person, feel free to call it a day right here!
Overall, I finished 2002nd out of 17602 entrants, which is in the top 11.37%!!!! (I know there are a lot of walkers but I'm still happy!
I finished 130th out of 673 in my age group, top 20% & 1383rd out of 6381, top 22%. I'll take it!
As far as my pace was concerned, I did this backwards compared to how I usually run.
The 1st 5K, I ran in 8:49/mile pace
the second 5K & from the 6.2 mile mark to the 10 mile mark, I ran a 8:41/mile pace.
The last 5K, I somehow ran 8:13/mile pace! Don't ask me where that came from! I knew that I had a chance to get my PR but to break it by over 3 & 1/2 minutes was unthinkable in my mind! My overall pace was 8:36 for the whole half!
This what I felt like crossing the line (This is from the 15K in March) but it was a great day today!
Total Miles: 897.18 Pace Runner: 852.08 + 45.1 miles!
Mi Amore Mom & Dad! <3
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