Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 11th, Monday

Great run today around Fiesta Bay for 8.25 miles in 1:13:47 for a 8:56 pace.  Forgot to write down any notes so i can't quite recall any specifics from this run.  (That's why I need to get caught up!) 

In any event, I will be leaving for Vegas in the AM for my Mom's 80th birthday.  Hope it all goes smoothly and everyone gets there when they are supposed to, etc.

I think I will leave it at that for now.  Take care and remember to share the word!

Total Miles:  944.82  Pace Runner:  896.05  +  48.77 miles!!!! & + 4.23 miles for 2112!!!

Love you more with each passing mile, Mom & Dad!  <3

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