Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 9th, Saturday

Today I ran the Fiesta Bay for 8.1 miles in 1:10:57, an 8:46 pace and I definitely have documentation of this run!  Former Ambassador, Executive, & documentary film maker, Kevin Santos was following me around getting some footage for a little movie he is making to help promote my fund-raising!  Here's Kevin as a Sophomore on our Universal Studios trip.


We hope to have it ready to go by mid July.  I'm sure we will have it on here or at least have a link to it.  Who knows, maybe we will have to have a premiere!  He has a great vision of what he wants it to be and I think he is doing a great job with everything down to the last detail.  I think you will all be impressed with the finished product.

Trying to get as many miles in as I can before I go out of town for the next week.  It is always tough to run in Vegas, getting up before the sun and the wind too.  Chicago will be humid but hopefully and early morning run will be fine.

That's all for now.  Go out there and do something great for someone!

Total Miles:  928.36  Pace Runner:  885.06   +  43.3 Miles

All my love to my Vegas Folks!  <3  

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