Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later, i guess... my left knee was really barking at me Wed. night and it wasn't much better yesterday AM so I decided to listen to my body (as so many have told me to do) and I took the day off. This morning things were feeling better and so I went to Fiesta Bay again and did 8.21 miles in 1:12:14 for another trip at 8:47 pace (pretty consistent...)
My knee feels good when I run but it is when I am stagnant for too long that it gets sore and stiff much like my lower back has been doing of late. I am hoping that things will improve some how...and soon.
Here's some thing I haven't mentioned in quite some time: I have now finished the equivalent of just shy of 38 marathons in the past 5 & 2/3 months. That's quite a bit of running for an old guy like me!
Here's a cool video I found that likens life to a marathon, so true!!!
Total Miles: 994.28 Pace Runner: 956.52 + 37.76 miles
Can you say 1,000 miles???? I think you can if you try!!!!
Love to my wonderful parents! <3
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