Monday, August 6, 2012

August 2nd, Thursday

Had a very "roller coaster" like day today.  My knee was bugging at least half the time but had a real good stretch on the back side by Crown Point and then things slowed down again at the end. 

Ran 8.25 miles 1:15:11for a 9:08 pace/mile.  Still not going the pace I was but have to remember it is the mileage that counts, not the speed.  Health needs to be my biggest concern right now.  If I can stay healthy, I should be able to succeed!

When I was stretching today after my run, I was watching a small group of young people with a large net do some sweeping in the bay.

Ok, so it turns out that the guy in the wetsuit on the right is a grad student at UCSD and he is doing a research project to find out how the numbers of juvenile Halibut are doing in about 7 different spots in the bay.  Apparently, overall, they are doing fine. Right here though, by what I call "lone palm island" (in the background of the pic) which is just north of the entrance to Fiesta Island, there are none.  Just another interesting event happening at Mission Bay. 

Please keep the comments/encouragement coming.  Really need the help to keep things moving forward.  I have new business cards that can be handed out, I will have them at school or I can send them to you if you would like to help me spread the word!  THANK YOU all for the support!

Total Miles:   1278.44   Pace Runner:   1181.91   +  96.53 miles

Love you Mom & Dad!  Thank you supporters!  <3

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