Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 10th, Friday

Another trip around Fiesta Bay!  I will not be doing this everyday much longer as XC starts next Monday.


This link should have the map of my run on it.  Lots to play with but you should be able to hit the details button and get the previous view or you can hit play and watch me run around the bay!

Loving my new Garmin by the way if you couldn't tell!  Wish I had this the whole time... oh well.

I have a very good friend who is pursuing a huge dream and she is making some awesome videos on Youtube.  Here is one of my favorites and if you like it, please pass it on!  She is not giving up & I'm not either!


I might be combining some days here to get caught up but I will include all runs in some shape or form!  I want to thank my good friend Amy from UCSB who put out a great call to donate on FB recently.  THANK YOU AMES!!!!

Total Miles:  1326.65   Pace Runner:  1225.89  +  100.76 miles!  + 39.83 miles for 2112!

Love to all my Peeps, especially the parental units! <3

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