Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aug. 12th, Sunday

So this is my last day of freedom for the summer!  We have teacher meetings starting tomorrow as well as XC practice so my time will now be pinched quite a bit!  Today will be my last at Fiesta Bay at least for the week.  I will miss it compared to the routes around school.

That might be the longest run I will have for about 5 days as well!  I just need to stay close and do a little making up on the weekends & I think I will be fine.  I will get the totals up in a few minutes!

Here is another little movie that tells us how to change our lives one day at a time!  Lots of great tid bits of wisdom!

Be wonderful as you are and keep spreading the word!  Thank you for the awesome support my friends!

Total Miles:  1342.95  Pace Runner:  1236.88   +  106.07 miles!!!  Another record!  (+ 44.59 for 2112!) 

Love you Mom & Pops!  You are both with me on every run!  <3


  1. Hmm looks like school has been taking up your blogging time ;) Keep it up Mr. R - I believe in you!!! The other day, one of your posts actually inspired me to go out on a run, just to try, even if I had to stop before mile 1. Made it 5 miles!! Thanks so much for the inspiration! Keep up the hard work, keep inspiring! :)

    1. Thanks so much Julia! I know you still have some time until your Bruin days begin! Congrats on the run, that is amazing!!! Stay in touch and maybe you can come and see the finish! You will do great at UCLA! Enjoy the experience of a lifetime!

  2. I hope that your first official week of school at Cathedral has been a good one! I will be sure to come up and visit you soon, before I head back to school. Keep up the great pace Mr. Rickling! You can do it :]

    1. Thanks so much Brittany! Look forward to your visit! Thanks to your help and support, I now I will get there! Take care and enjoy the rest of your summer! Hope to see you at the finish line!
