Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug. 11th, Saturday

Ran at the same time as the CCHS XC team today, so I think my pace was a little quicker than it has been of late!  They are pretty inspiring to me too!  They always work hard to improve and that just may be why they keep doing so well!  Girls finished 4th in state and boys finished 6th!  Both teams brought home CIF titles too!

Here's my run today:

Thinking about our XC kids, it brings to mind another Rush song, imagine that!  That is a big reason why I'm a huge fan is because so many of their songs relate to life.  This has the lyrics so enjoy Something for Nothing!

Hope you are all enjoying this heat!  I'm not looking forward to running in the afternoon if it is this hot!  I will miss my morning runs!  Please keep spreading the word, donating and sending encouragement!  Much needed!

Total Miles:  1334.78   Pace Runner:  1231.39   +  103.39 miles (+42.19 miles for 2112!)

Love to my Mom & Dad for their never ending love and support!  <3

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