Monday, December 31, 2012

W & F 12/19 & 12/21

Wednesday, Dec. 19th:  We are in the middle of finals at school and I have a lot of grading to do, but I obviously need to get some running done as well.  It was a crisp, clear day; a great day for running!    I did a 15K (9.3 miles) today around Fiesta Bay in record time.  I ran a 15K earlier this year in 1:22:46 and I did today's run in 1:16:15!  I was pretty excited to see how much I have improved!

Friday, Dec. 21st:  Finals are over, so the kids are ecstatic!  Now it is the teacher's time to be overwhelmed.  Some simply do a scantron but I feel with my subject matters, I have to do some free response questions (FRQ's) as well to make sure they have full control of the material.  This can take a little time to get graded!  I ran Fiesta Bay again but I obviously was a little preoccupied with the grading that lied ahead as I made it last as long as I could!!!

Also, the world didn't end!  Hope you didn't buy in to the hype! :)

I have a little video for you today to make sure you finish the year (or a long running goal!) STRONG!  This is a favorite of mine that I show all my students/athletes at some point.

Here's to finishing your year with the Eye of the Tiger & to setting some great goals for 2013!  I took 2 days off this week so I have some ground to make up between now & the 31st!  Get it! 

Total Miles:  2043.72   Pace Runner:  2054.30   - 10.58 miles  (I have some make-up miles to get done & quickly! Only 10 days left!)

Love to both of my wonderful parents & to all of you who donated and encouraged me along the way!  Keep me going for 10 more days! <3

"Defeat is simply a signal to press onward"  ~  Helen Keller 

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle"  ~ Plato

"Don't count the days, make the days count"  ~ Muhammad Ali     

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