Friday, December 28, 2012

Monday, December 17th

Monday, Dec. 17th:  Today we had a little end of 2012 celebration at the end of the school day.  They made a pathway that the students lined and I ran through it to signify the end of my run.  I thought it was going to be awkward but it was actually pretty cool!  Some of my students made a sign for me to run through:

Then I made them wait in anticipation....

Hi fives were going all around....

And then Tessya saved my lack of thought during a short interview!

They also shot a video that you can view here:

I kind of blanked out.  Anyway, I ended up running a few more miles after school to keep the 2112 goal going forward.

I need to run about 100 miles in 2 weeks so I need to stay healthy and find the time to run some quality miles.  Here's to going the extra mile (or 100 in this case!)

Total Miles:  2025.61   Pace Runner:   2031.21   -  5.6 miles behind pace, I better get moving!

Love to you Mom, Dad, family, and all those who are supporting me! <3

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising after every time we fail" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


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