Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sunday, November 11th

Silver Strand Half Marathon:  Today was a fun race!  Hung out with my friend Janet for the 1st 8 miles and then actually ran the last 5 as you can see by the mile times:


Here we are before the start, ready to roll! It was a perfect day to run,  nice and cool!  The last time I ran this race it was baking from the get go and people were dropping like flies from the heat.  A lack of water stops didn't help matters either!  Luckily, they have come a long way since then and I would say that this race is much better organized.  The medals still are on the low end of the scale though compared to the other 1/2's I have run.

My friend Dan Guillory took this as he is at most of these races working for West Coast Roadrunners.  Thanks Dan!  When I am actually in the air, that is a good sign that I am actually running fairly hard!  Finish Strong is the motto!

I will do my best to get caught up here in the next week or so, so with any luck, I will have posts flying up here at a fast and furious pace!  Keep your fingers crossed!

Also, as we get down to the end of this crazy journey, please share my story, blog, FB page:
and donate if you have not had the chance already!  A great tax break is coming your way if you do & it may be the last time you get to get the tax benefit, who knows???

Total Miles:  1792.41  Pace Runner:  1737.14   +  55.27 miles (back over 50 mile cushion, yea!)  Now it's time to really stretch it out!

Love to you both Mom & Pops!  Thanksgiving is coming...

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." ~  Teddy Roosevelt 

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