Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan 1st

Video week 1:

Day 1:  I got myself into this so I will have to run myself out of it!  Hope you can all help in one form or another but obviously I would like you to donate to either the American Cancer Society or the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research.

I ran 8.55 miles in 82 minutes and 8 seconds around Mission Bay east.  Decent pace considering I had a bad cramp in my right side before I even began!  Saw the Derenthals before I left the runner's bathroom by the Info Center.  Always good to see familiar faces and the good luck that they wished me went along way too!

Fun note: Ran over a pair of jeans on the sidewalk in PB.  I guess someone partied right out of their pants on New Year's Eve!  Thanks for your support!  TR

Have to use this quote:  "The journey of a thousand miles (or 2012!) begins with a single step" ~ Chinese proverb

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