Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31, Saturday

Today I finally had some more company on my run!  My brother, Brian & my nephew, Timmins rode a bike built for 2 around Sail Bay with me.  It was a cloudy, cool day that was perfect for a run and the Crew Classic was going on at Fiesta Bay and we got to see a good part of the races from the Ingraham St bridge.  8.22 miles today in 75 minutes & 59 seconds.


This brings the month of March to a close.  Almost can't believe a quarter of the year has already gone by!  Sometimes the time flies & others, it creeps along like a tortoise!  I am glad to say that I am ahead of schedule but still a long way to go!

 Total miles:  524.48  Pace Runner:  500.25  +24.23 miles

Week 13 Statistics:

Week 13 miles:  46.09  Total Miles:  524.48

Week 13 Time:  7:09:51  Total time:  82:54:20

Week 13 Pace: 9:20  Total pace:  9:29/mile

Week 13 calories:  5670  Total calories:  64,870

 Now I'm hungry!  Thanks for all of your support to date!  I truly appreciate it and will continue to do so for the next 9 months as well!  If anyone wants to come on a run with me (you can ride a bike too!) please let me know as I would love to have some company!  Makes the miles go by a lot faster!

Love to you both Mom & Dad!  <3

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