Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20th, Tuesday

Good evening all!  I want to ask all of you to say a prayer tonight for one of the most incredible young ladies I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.  She is an Ambassador at CCHS, a group I have been moderating for the past 7 years.  You can see her whole story here:
Just recently she has been having a tough go of it and spent the last 4 days in the hospital.  For everything this amazing little girl has gone through, she manages to keep the most positive and upbeat attitude and you would never know anything was wrong physically with her.  What an inspiration for us all!

I ran thinking about her today, 8.20 miles I think in about 77 minutes and 8 seconds. and how I can do something for her.  Whne you go to her site at the link above, look into her tenderness totes that she puts together for the homeless.  Next time you stay at a hotel, bring some of those items back and she will put them to good use!

The last thing I will tell you about her is that she was chosen to have her wish come true from the Make A Wish Foundation and she turned it down saying that others needed it much more than she did!

We hope you feel better soon, Tehya!  This came to my mind on my run today so I thought I would share it.  We all need to make everyday count as we don't know what is coming up around the corner!


Total Miles:  450.68   Pace runner:  439.78    + 10.9 miles!

Love you Mom & Dad!  <3


  1. I just read the article that you posted about Tehya, and was touched. Although I have never met her, I am so proud of her strength and perseverance. She's a huge inspiration, and am grateful for you posting her story.

    AND I'm glad to see you're ahead of pace! :] so hopefully you'll be able to rest your tired legs more! Keep up the pace Mr. Rickling! you can do it :]

    1. Thanks Brittany! I hope you get a chance to meet her someday as she is one of the strongest young ladies I have ever met!

      Hope you are well and you are enjoying the Banana Slug experience!

      Take care,

      Mr. Rickling
