Friday, January 4, 2013

SAT & SUN 12/29 & 12/30 THE END!

Saturday 12/29:  After a day of rest (if you call working 12 hours rest) I ran a final time around Fiesta Bay for the year.  I did another 15K (9.3 miles) at a good pace of 8.25/mile.  The Dons are also 3-0 in the tourney and will play for the championship tonight!  All is good in Don's country!  I also crossed the magic 2100 mile mark!  Woo hoo!

Sunset at Mission Bay and the Sea World Christmas tree, loving San Diego in the winter time!

Total Miles:  2106.18  Pace Runner:  2100.46  +  5.72 miles

Sunday 12/30: This is it, the final run!  Started early (kind of considering how cold it is) to get out of town for Vegas to see my parents.  6.3 miles at Lake Murray in good time and that makes the mission accomplished.

I tried to take a video but it shut off after 8 seconds for some reason (maybe to spare you!) but here is the still after the 2112 is done in my 2112 shirt!

Here we are at the Las Ventanas New Years Eve party with my Mom & Dad.  We had a great time with some of their friends and my Mom even stayed up for midnight with me.

I want to take this time to thank all of my friends and family who have given me so much support in so many ways.  I would love to name you all but I think you know who you are & I don't want to leave anyone out!

I would like to name a few of my former students: Julia, Cat, Cole, Brittany, Betsy, Taylor, Lucas, Ian, Claire, Max, Kade, Maddie, Kirstie, Danielle, Dan, & Nick.

Special thanks go out to Michelle, Dawn, John, and my niece Lelia for all the technical and moral support!

I'd also like to thank all those who gave me inspiration along the way:  D-Rock, Ronan, Riley, Tehya, my Mom & Dad, and our running angels, Natalie & Amanda!

My musical motivation from Rush, Iron Maiden, Foo Fighters, Cowboy Mouth, among others.

It has been an amazing journey & I could not have done it without you.  I can only hope that you have been inspired to go out and achieve your goals, be persistent, and to not give up before you reach your goals no matter how difficult it can become.  If I can do this, then you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to do!  Thank you all for joining me!  Please let me know what you plan to do for 2013 at  Take care my friends!

TOTAL MILES:  2112.48  I'll have some stats up here later if you are interested as soon as I have a little time to get things tallied.  

LOVE you Mom & Pops!  Hope this shows you just what you mean to me!  <3

"A year from now you may wish you had started today" ~ Karen Lamb  SOOOO TRUE!!!!!!

"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there" ~ Will Rogers


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